RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 13 (ft. Thuy, T-Pain, Adrian Marcel, Victoria Monet, Griff Tyler & more)
Trey here from RnB Hype and it's time to end 2021 and start 2022 off with a great podcast mixtape episode. In this 13th edition of our podcast brought to you by https://ninjagram.app it is featuring musical talents from all over the world. Featuring some talents that you may have heard of and those that you may have not. Turn the volume up sit back and enjoy as this is RnB Hype!
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00:00 - 01:16 - Intro (Prod. by @eclecticproductionz) - www.NinjaGram.app
01:16 - 03:45 - YK Osiris ft. Snoop Dogg - Applying Pressure (@ykosiris @snoopdogg)
03:45 - 05:53 - D. Royalss ft. Chris O’Bannon - Between Me & You (@d.royalss @1chrisobannon)
05:53 - 06:14 - Get Featured On Instagram @RnB.Hype & Text +1-619-500-7016
06:14 - 09:31 - Terrace Martin ft. Lloyd - In The Sheets (@terracemartin @curlyheadedblackboy)
09:31 - 11:18 - The15 - Run It Up (@i15who)
11:18 - 13:31 - TeeFlii ft. King Litty - Annoyed (@teefliiofficial @k1nglitty)
13:31 - 14:59 - T-Pain - The Making of Shootin' Up The Club (@tpain)
14:59 - 17:51 - T-Pain - Shootin' Up The Club (@tpain)
17:51 - 20:13 - Kenai & Dungeon Music - Keeping My Distance (@drummerboykenai @dungeonmusic)
20:13 - 20:34 - Submit Music to RnBHype.com
20:34 - 22:10 - TeeFLii ft. Jemouri & Westside FX - More (@teefliiofficial @jemouriofficial @ceowestside)
22:10 - 24:37 - Charm La'Donna - Westside (@charmladonna)
24:37 - 26:57 - Devin Morrison - Birthday (@devinjmorrison)
26:57 - 29:28 - Griff Tyler ft. Airplane James - Guarded (@iamgrifftyler @airplanejames354 @viperbeats_)
29:28 - 29:49 - Get Featured On Instagram @RnB.Hype & Text +1-619-500-7016
29:49 - 32:05 - Adrian Marcel - Slow Burn (@adrianmarcel)
32:05 - 34:41 - Victoria Monét - Coastin (@victoriamonet)
34:41 - 35:36 - Falana - Sweet Adetola (@falanamusic)
35:36 - 37:42 - Eric Bellinger & Hitmaka - Then What (@ericbellinger @hitmaka)
37:42 - 40:12 - Devin Morrison ft. Amber Navran - Nu Beginning (@devinjmorrison)
40:12 - 42:45 - Larry June ft. Cardo - Saturday Night Interview (@larryjunetfm @cardogotwings)
42:45 - 45:21 - Dom Kennedy -Turn Me Out (@dopeitsdom)
45:21 - 49:24 - DJ Quik & Problem ft. Brittany Barber & Bryan J - Chachi's Ride (@djquik @problem354 @brittanybmusic)
49:24 - 52:28 - Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak (Silk Sonic) - Smokin Out The Window (Live) (@brunomars @anderson._paak @silksonic)
52:28 - 55:00 - Lonny - Raw (@loonymoonchild)
55:00 - 58:10 - Masego & Devin Morrison - Yamz (@masego @devinjmorrison)
58:10 - 58:30 - Submit Music to @RnBHype.com
58:30 - 01:01:04 - Jay Glavany - Surrender (@jayglavany)
01:01:04 - 01:05:27 - The Lesson GK - Don't It Feel (@thelessongk)
01:05:27 - 01:08:12 - Freddie Gibbs ft. Dom Kennedy & Polyester The Saint - Menace II Society (@dopeitsdom @poly3st3r)
01:08:12 - 01:09:29 - Griff Tyler - Show Off (@iamgrifftyler)
01:09:29 - 01:12:22 - Destiny Rogers ft Kalan.FrFr - West Like (@destinyrogers @kalan.frfr)
01:12:22 - 01:14:49 - Adrian Marcel - NoWhere (@adrianmarcel)
01:14:49 - 01:16:44 - Eric Bellinger ft. League Of StarThz - No She Didn't (@ericbellinger @leagueofstarz)
01:16:44 - 01:19:01 - JayRome - FRFR (@jayrome801 @1callan)
01:19:01 - 01:21:33 - Kenai & Dungeon Music - Plot Twist (@drummerboykenai @dungeonmusic)
01:21:33 - 01:23:17 - Griff Tyler - Cold Piece (@iamgrifftyler)
01:23:17 - 01:25:54 - Happi - Twisted (@happimusic)
01:25:54 - 01:26:52 - Ricky Belfort - I Smell Cap (Hypemix) (@rickybelfort)
01:26:52 - 01:29:01 - Thuy - Tied Down (@thuymusic @itsjmaine)
01:29:01 - 01:29:35 - Outro - www.NinjaGram.app
01:29:35 - 01:33:12 - Phony Ppl ft Megan Thee Stallion - Fkn Around (@phonyppl @theestallion)
Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episode? ⤵️
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📲 Text music to (619) 500-7016
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