Wednesday, December 25, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 08 (ft. TSpoon, Summer Walker, Tory Lanez, BPTheOfficial & more)

Mixtape Episode 08 of RnB Hype is back after being gone on hiatus for a little while. This episode features talents from all over the US and Europe. Hit play and turn the volume up as you are listening to RnB Hype.

00:00 - 01:50 - Intro
01:50 - 04:18 - TSpoon - Vegas Night (@therealtspoon)
04:18 - 06:44 - Dana Vaughns ft. Jordan Ward - Lovey Dovey (@danavaughns @jordanalexward)
06:44 - 08:45 - DaniLeigh - Figure It Out (@iamdanileigh)
08:45 - 11:05 - BPTheOfficial - Hold It Down (@bptheofficial @rawsmoov)
11:05 - 13:26 - WNDRSZN ft. Anything With Yusef & Flex The Ninja - SpaceCoupe (@wndrszn @anythingwithyusef @flextheninja)
13:26 - 16:48 - WaxTheProducer - Say no More (@waxtheproducer @pjtabron)16:48 - 19:04 -
16:48 - 19:04 - Dimitri McDowell - Come On Time (@dimitrimcdowell)
19:04 - 22:11 - Fabolous ft. Tory Lanez - Seasons Change (@myfabolouslife @torylanez)
22:11 - 25:44 - Russ Coson ft. Kiyomi & Dashé - Visualize (@russcoson @officialkiyomi @dash__e @musicmystro)
25:44 - 28:33 - 7AE - Bout It ( @marcomavy)
28:33 - 30:50 - Hajar - Mood (@hajargharram @itsjmaine  @elijahgrae)
30:50 - 33:40 - Kehlani ft. Keyshia Cole - All Me (@keyshiacole @kehlani @reecebeats @p_lo)
33:40 - 36:32 - Summer Walker ft. London On Da Track & Chris Brown - Something Real (@summerwalker @londonondatrack @chrisbrownofficial)
36:32 - 42:15 - The Lesson GK - Don't It Feel (@thelessongk)
42:15 - 44:29 - BpTheOfficial & Marty Grimes - Recipe (@bptheofficial @marty_grimes @bsoundbeatz)
44:29 - 46:53 - Paupa ft. T$9 & Kalan.frfr - All Night (@paupaftw @traits08 @kalan.frfr @kayoebeats)
46:53 - 50:13 - DJ Ketibz - No Fool (@ketibz)
50:13 - 51:50 - 187Givenchyy - Fine (@187givenchyy)
51:50 - 54:06 - Hudson East ft. Peter Xan - Dim The Lights (@hudsoneast @peterxan)
54:06 - 56:01 - Rexx Life Raj - Chubbs (@rexxliferaj)
56:01 - 58:29 - Blue Nova - Tic Toc (@bluenovabeats)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? ⤵️
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