RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 06 (ft. BPTheOfficial, Chelly Jane, Guordan Banks, Jermaine Elliott & more.)
00:00 - 01:15 - Intro (Production by @dartizt)
01:15 - 04:30 - Mikhala Jené - All I Want (@mikhalajene)
04:30 - 06:39 - BpTheOfficial - Signs (@bptheofficial @orlando_rocco_music)
06:39 - 09:19 - Chelly Jane - Timeless (@chellyjane)
09:19 - 11:52 - Guordan Banks - Cant Keep Runnin’ (@guordan)
11:52 - 14:27 - Emmavie - Dough (@emmavie)
14:27 - 16:38 - Chad Gomes - Gemini (@chad_gomes)
16:38 - 19:25 - Kayeandre ft. Trey Forever - South Beach (@kayeandre @moslikely)
19:25 - 21:42 - Jermaine Elliott - Monster (@jermaineelliott @don.kevo)
21:42 - 23:48 - Guapely ft. Nef The Pharaoh & Rayven Justice - Factor (@guapely_ @nefthepharaoh @rayvenjustice)
23:48 - 26:04 - DJ Sefru ft. Bea Moon - Change (@djsefru @beamoony)
26:04 - 28:17 - Bobby Luv ft. Mozzy - Tonight (@bobbyluvcpt_ohb @mozzy)
28:17 - 30:18 - Regi Levi ft. Nes - On Me (@saucy_nes @regilevi)
30:18 - 32:56 - Zeke Jaye - YKTV (@zekejaye @jyjwlz)
32:56 - 35:10 - Cory Young ft. Chozin - Sick (@thecoryyoung @chozinwun)
38:24 - 41:08 - Juwn - My Side (@j.u.w.n)
41:08 - 42:05 - Chronic The Great - Interlude (@youngboychronic @dartizt)
42:05 - 44:50 - Young Switch - Vibin (@youngswitch)
44:50 - 46:59 - LoverboyBass - Like Me (@loverboybass)
46:59 - 50:03 - Tessie - The Way (@tessiemystic_ @totashakur)
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