Monday, September 30, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 06 (ft. BPTheOfficial, Chelly Jane, Guordan Banks, Jermaine Elliott & more.)

This episode is full of talents from all over the world, reflecting skills up coming artist located here in the states, to Australia, South Africa and more. This episode is definitely worth the repeat button so hit play and turn the volume all the way up.

Brought to you by | Grow & Automate your Instagram.

00:00 - 01:15 - Intro (Production by @dartizt)
01:15 - 04:30 - Mikhala Jené - All I Want (@mikhalajene)
04:30 - 06:39 - BpTheOfficial - Signs (@bptheofficial @orlando_rocco_music)
06:39 - 09:19 - Chelly Jane - Timeless (@chellyjane)
09:19 - 11:52 - Guordan Banks - Cant Keep Runnin’ (@guordan)
11:52 - 14:27 - Emmavie - Dough (@emmavie)
14:27 - 16:38 - Chad Gomes - Gemini (@chad_gomes)
16:38 - 19:25 - Kayeandre ft. Trey Forever - South Beach (@kayeandre @moslikely)
19:25 - 21:42 - Jermaine Elliott - Monster (@jermaineelliott @don.kevo)
21:42 - 23:48 - Guapely ft. Nef The Pharaoh & Rayven Justice - Factor (@guapely_ @nefthepharaoh @rayvenjustice)
23:48 - 26:04 - DJ Sefru ft. Bea Moon - Change (@djsefru @beamoony)
26:04 - 28:17 - Bobby Luv ft. Mozzy - Tonight (@bobbyluvcpt_ohb @mozzy)
28:17 - 30:18 - Regi Levi ft. Nes - On Me (@saucy_nes @regilevi)
30:18 - 32:56 - Zeke Jaye - YKTV (@zekejaye @jyjwlz)
32:56 - 35:10 - Cory Young ft. Chozin - Sick (@thecoryyoung @chozinwun)
38:24 - 41:08 - Juwn - My Side (@j.u.w.n)
41:08 - 42:05 - Chronic The Great - Interlude (@youngboychronic @dartizt)
42:05 - 44:50 - Young Switch - Vibin (@youngswitch)
44:50 - 46:59 - LoverboyBass - Like Me (@loverboybass)
46:59 - 50:03 - Tessie - The Way (@tessiemystic_ @totashakur)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? ⤵️
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Sunday, September 8, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 05 (ft. Tinashe, St.Cyr, Rayven Justice, Yasmin Ray, FirePlaylist, iamSU & more.)

In this 5th RnB Hype mixtape episode we hope to introduce you to some unfamiliar talents in the R&B space. We want to send a thank you to all the R&B talents that helped introduce their current single and themselves on this episode. Turn the volume to the max and hit play as you are listening to RnB Hype!

00:00 - 01:14 - Intro |
01:14 - 03:54 - St.Cyr ft. On-Key - I Know (@619Saint @on_keymusic)
03:54 - 05:31 - Joelle Brown - Sound (@joellebrownmusic)
05:31 - 10:29 - Devvon Terrell ft. Ceraadi, Tinashe, Steven G & Marr Grey - No Guidance (RnB Hype Refix) (@devvonterrell @ceraadi @tinashenow @steveng.music_ @marrgrey)
10:29 - 13:02 - Parsa ft. Kennedy Parker - I Wonder (@parsa1 @prodbymikezara)
13:02 - 15:13 - Vinny Virgo - Fallin (@vinnyvirgoo @davidemmanuel310)
15:13 - 17:44 - Triy - Baddies (@itstriy)
17:44 - 18:53 - CJ Pitts - Come With Me (@cjpittsmusic @martinzbeats)
18:53 - 20:56 - Rayven Justice - Do Too Much (@rayvenjustice)
20:56 - 23:08 - Yasmin Ray ft. JC - Dreams (@yasmin.ray @itsyaboyjc)
23:08 - 25:32 - FirePlaylist ft. Iamsu! - Main Thang (@firePlaylist @iamsu @feezyonthis)
25:32 - 28:30 - Profedik ft. Heartbreaka & Vonnie - I Know (@heartbreaka @profedik @vontourage_)
28:30 - 30:58 - Thuy - Tied Down (@thuymusic @itsjmaine)
30:58 - 34:45 - Broniks ft. BSK, DC & MarshMini - Friction (@dc_n_ec)
34:45 - 37:12 - Wax The Producer - You Know The Vibes (@waxTheProducer @jamesontheboard)
37:12 - 39:29 - Lithe - No Friends (@lithe)
39:29 - 42:27 - Jay Glavany - Surrender (@jayglavany)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? Send us a DM on Instagram or email:

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