Wednesday, December 25, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 08 (ft. TSpoon, Summer Walker, Tory Lanez, BPTheOfficial & more)

Mixtape Episode 08 of RnB Hype is back after being gone on hiatus for a little while. This episode features talents from all over the US and Europe. Hit play and turn the volume up as you are listening to RnB Hype.

00:00 - 01:50 - Intro
01:50 - 04:18 - TSpoon - Vegas Night (@therealtspoon)
04:18 - 06:44 - Dana Vaughns ft. Jordan Ward - Lovey Dovey (@danavaughns @jordanalexward)
06:44 - 08:45 - DaniLeigh - Figure It Out (@iamdanileigh)
08:45 - 11:05 - BPTheOfficial - Hold It Down (@bptheofficial @rawsmoov)
11:05 - 13:26 - WNDRSZN ft. Anything With Yusef & Flex The Ninja - SpaceCoupe (@wndrszn @anythingwithyusef @flextheninja)
13:26 - 16:48 - WaxTheProducer - Say no More (@waxtheproducer @pjtabron)16:48 - 19:04 -
16:48 - 19:04 - Dimitri McDowell - Come On Time (@dimitrimcdowell)
19:04 - 22:11 - Fabolous ft. Tory Lanez - Seasons Change (@myfabolouslife @torylanez)
22:11 - 25:44 - Russ Coson ft. Kiyomi & Dashé - Visualize (@russcoson @officialkiyomi @dash__e @musicmystro)
25:44 - 28:33 - 7AE - Bout It ( @marcomavy)
28:33 - 30:50 - Hajar - Mood (@hajargharram @itsjmaine  @elijahgrae)
30:50 - 33:40 - Kehlani ft. Keyshia Cole - All Me (@keyshiacole @kehlani @reecebeats @p_lo)
33:40 - 36:32 - Summer Walker ft. London On Da Track & Chris Brown - Something Real (@summerwalker @londonondatrack @chrisbrownofficial)
36:32 - 42:15 - The Lesson GK - Don't It Feel (@thelessongk)
42:15 - 44:29 - BpTheOfficial & Marty Grimes - Recipe (@bptheofficial @marty_grimes @bsoundbeatz)
44:29 - 46:53 - Paupa ft. T$9 & Kalan.frfr - All Night (@paupaftw @traits08 @kalan.frfr @kayoebeats)
46:53 - 50:13 - DJ Ketibz - No Fool (@ketibz)
50:13 - 51:50 - 187Givenchyy - Fine (@187givenchyy)
51:50 - 54:06 - Hudson East ft. Peter Xan - Dim The Lights (@hudsoneast @peterxan)
54:06 - 56:01 - Rexx Life Raj - Chubbs (@rexxliferaj)
56:01 - 58:29 - Blue Nova - Tic Toc (@bluenovabeats)

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Saturday, November 16, 2019

RnB Hype - On Repeat (11-16-2019)

Here is a new series "On Repeat" from RnB Hype. This series will featuring only a few artists that are currently stuck on repeat.

Brought to you by | Grow & Automate your Instagram.

Intro (Beat by @djchoppalot)
BpTheOfficial ft. Dmac - Glow (@bptheofficial @getitdmac @rawsmoov)
H.E.R. ft. YG - Slide (@hermusic @yg)
Hudson East - Ben Ova (@hudsoneast)
Charitte Music - It Feels Good (@charitte_music)
Baka Not Nice - Up (@bakanotnice)
JΛMES - Feel No Ways (Drake Cover) (@jamesontheboard)

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Monday, October 21, 2019

RnB Hype - On Repeat (10-21-2019)


Here is a new series "On Repeat" from RnB Hype. This series will featuring only a few artists that are currently stuck on repeat.

Brought to you by | Grow & Automate your Instagram.

Micki Jayy - No Time (@mickijayy_)
Louie Da Fourth ft. Balance - Ride Slow (@louiedafourth @balance510)
Bino Rideaux ft. Blxst - Savage (@binorideaux @blxst)
WaxTheProducer - Mutual (@WaxTheProducer)
St.Cyr ft. On-Key - I Know (@619Saint @on_keymusic)
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Sunday, October 20, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 07 (ft. Bino Rideaux, Jared Brady, ilham, Mikhala Jené & more)

Back with the RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 07 filled with nothing but heat 🔥 from artists all over the world. Congrats to some of the unfamiliar and up & coming talent that made the mix from Australia and the UK that got play on this tape! Now hit play, turn the volume up as you are listening to RnB Hype!

Brought to you by | Grow & Automate your Instagram.

00:00 - 01:21 - Intro |
01:21 - 04:19 - Bino Rideaux - On My Soul (@binorideaux @blxst)
04:19 - 06:54 - Sambo ft. J-Star, Mackgee & AzBenzz - Henny Talk (@realjstar @itsmackgee @azbenzz)
06:54 - 09:37 - Jared Brady - Enjoy Ya Life (@enjoyjaredbrady)
09:37 - 12:26 - Sesh ft. Donell Lewis - Bad & She Know IT (@dertysesh @donelllewismusic)
12:26 - 14:24 - ilham - In Too Deep (@ilham)
14:24 - 16:41 - Derrius Logan - Sidekick (@derriuslogan @coopthetruth)
16:41 - 19:12 - Natalie May - Rooftop (@neonataliemay)
19:12 - 21:33 - Youngn Lipz - Misunderstood (@youngnlipz)
21:33 - 22:43 - Shaba - Feelings (@bayshaba)
22:43 - 25:34 - Xian Bell - Top Flow (@xian_bell)
25:34 - 28:27 - J-Sol ft. Gen - OMW (@jsolworld @th3ory @kiddjupiter @bigjmusic)
28:27 - 31:45 - Lazy J ft. Delawou & Bea Moon - Feelings (@lazyjmusic @beamoony @delawou)
31:45 - 33:37 - Cee B. ft. Cheikh - Jimmy Choosers (@cheikhmac @ceebtheproducer)
33:37 - 36:26 - Mikhala Jené - Mad Bitches (@mikhalajene)
36:26 - 38:57 - NDZ ft. Jayartese - Water (@andypichh)
38:57 - 41:26 - Wolftyla - All Tinted (@wolftyla)
41:26 - 43:49 - Eduard Luli - Fall (@eduardluli)
43:49 - 47:02 - Kaitlyn Morell - My Forever (@therealkaitlynmorell)
47:02 - 50:24 - Keshawn Noriega - Witchu (@only1keshawn)

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Monday, September 30, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 06 (ft. BPTheOfficial, Chelly Jane, Guordan Banks, Jermaine Elliott & more.)

This episode is full of talents from all over the world, reflecting skills up coming artist located here in the states, to Australia, South Africa and more. This episode is definitely worth the repeat button so hit play and turn the volume all the way up.

Brought to you by | Grow & Automate your Instagram.

00:00 - 01:15 - Intro (Production by @dartizt)
01:15 - 04:30 - Mikhala Jené - All I Want (@mikhalajene)
04:30 - 06:39 - BpTheOfficial - Signs (@bptheofficial @orlando_rocco_music)
06:39 - 09:19 - Chelly Jane - Timeless (@chellyjane)
09:19 - 11:52 - Guordan Banks - Cant Keep Runnin’ (@guordan)
11:52 - 14:27 - Emmavie - Dough (@emmavie)
14:27 - 16:38 - Chad Gomes - Gemini (@chad_gomes)
16:38 - 19:25 - Kayeandre ft. Trey Forever - South Beach (@kayeandre @moslikely)
19:25 - 21:42 - Jermaine Elliott - Monster (@jermaineelliott @don.kevo)
21:42 - 23:48 - Guapely ft. Nef The Pharaoh & Rayven Justice - Factor (@guapely_ @nefthepharaoh @rayvenjustice)
23:48 - 26:04 - DJ Sefru ft. Bea Moon - Change (@djsefru @beamoony)
26:04 - 28:17 - Bobby Luv ft. Mozzy - Tonight (@bobbyluvcpt_ohb @mozzy)
28:17 - 30:18 - Regi Levi ft. Nes - On Me (@saucy_nes @regilevi)
30:18 - 32:56 - Zeke Jaye - YKTV (@zekejaye @jyjwlz)
32:56 - 35:10 - Cory Young ft. Chozin - Sick (@thecoryyoung @chozinwun)
38:24 - 41:08 - Juwn - My Side (@j.u.w.n)
41:08 - 42:05 - Chronic The Great - Interlude (@youngboychronic @dartizt)
42:05 - 44:50 - Young Switch - Vibin (@youngswitch)
44:50 - 46:59 - LoverboyBass - Like Me (@loverboybass)
46:59 - 50:03 - Tessie - The Way (@tessiemystic_ @totashakur)

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Sunday, September 8, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 05 (ft. Tinashe, St.Cyr, Rayven Justice, Yasmin Ray, FirePlaylist, iamSU & more.)

In this 5th RnB Hype mixtape episode we hope to introduce you to some unfamiliar talents in the R&B space. We want to send a thank you to all the R&B talents that helped introduce their current single and themselves on this episode. Turn the volume to the max and hit play as you are listening to RnB Hype!

00:00 - 01:14 - Intro |
01:14 - 03:54 - St.Cyr ft. On-Key - I Know (@619Saint @on_keymusic)
03:54 - 05:31 - Joelle Brown - Sound (@joellebrownmusic)
05:31 - 10:29 - Devvon Terrell ft. Ceraadi, Tinashe, Steven G & Marr Grey - No Guidance (RnB Hype Refix) (@devvonterrell @ceraadi @tinashenow @steveng.music_ @marrgrey)
10:29 - 13:02 - Parsa ft. Kennedy Parker - I Wonder (@parsa1 @prodbymikezara)
13:02 - 15:13 - Vinny Virgo - Fallin (@vinnyvirgoo @davidemmanuel310)
15:13 - 17:44 - Triy - Baddies (@itstriy)
17:44 - 18:53 - CJ Pitts - Come With Me (@cjpittsmusic @martinzbeats)
18:53 - 20:56 - Rayven Justice - Do Too Much (@rayvenjustice)
20:56 - 23:08 - Yasmin Ray ft. JC - Dreams (@yasmin.ray @itsyaboyjc)
23:08 - 25:32 - FirePlaylist ft. Iamsu! - Main Thang (@firePlaylist @iamsu @feezyonthis)
25:32 - 28:30 - Profedik ft. Heartbreaka & Vonnie - I Know (@heartbreaka @profedik @vontourage_)
28:30 - 30:58 - Thuy - Tied Down (@thuymusic @itsjmaine)
30:58 - 34:45 - Broniks ft. BSK, DC & MarshMini - Friction (@dc_n_ec)
34:45 - 37:12 - Wax The Producer - You Know The Vibes (@waxTheProducer @jamesontheboard)
37:12 - 39:29 - Lithe - No Friends (@lithe)
39:29 - 42:27 - Jay Glavany - Surrender (@jayglavany)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? Send us a DM on Instagram or email:

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 04 (ft. Dom Kennedy, Brandon Payton, RJmrLA, Trev Case & more.)

First off I want to thank all the artist that help participate and put this mix together. C-Titus, Trev Case & Fara I thank you for hitting me up about your music and glad you can get your voices on this episode. Now full stream ahead and enjoy some new, up and coming talents on this RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 04, now turn volume up and press play.

00:00 - 01:38 - Intro | | @LiveInTheCave
01:38 - 03:55 - FineAssLanecia ft. Brandon Payton - My Little Secret (@FineAssLanecia @BpTheOfficial @jaygpbangz_)
03:55 - 07:08 - Dom Kennedy - Show It (RNB Hype Refix) (@dopeitsdom @kinggdd @extendobeatz_ @ayshamonetofficial)
07:08 - 11:07 - C-Titus - Yeah (@ctitusmusic @eclecticproductionz)
11:07 - 13:53 - Versee ft. Jr. Washington - Computer Love (@versee2x @lyfeofjr_ @paupaftw)
13:53 - 17:05 - RJmrLA - You Are Who You Are (@rjmrla @paupaftw @koast)
17:05 - 19:26 - Trev Case - Party in My Mind (@trevcase)
19:26 - 22:26 - RnBrii - Way Up (@rnbrii @aktrillarealerog9ine)
22:26 - 28:00 - T$poon ft. Koast - Thug In Your Life (@therealtspoon @koast)
28:00 - 32:04 - J. Dilla ft. M-Phazes - Raise It Up For DILLA (@officialjdilla @mphazes)
32:04 - 32:06 - 7AE - Burnin Out (
32:06 - 34:42 - Fara - Runaway (@faravermusic)
34:42 - 38:27 - Nate Curry - Nate Curry - Temporary Fix (@natecurry_ @sbvce)
38:27 - 41:29 - Shari Marie - U Remind Me (@shariimarie)

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 03 (ft. DruJefe, Kennyon Brown, Garren, Wax The Producer, Omarion & more)

 Just in time for the weekend, RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 03. Showcasing all upcoming and familiar R&B talents from all over the world. Continue to like, share, and follow everything from RnB Hype. Now turn the volume up and enjoy as you are now locked in and listening to RnB Hype!

00:00 - 01:25 - Intro | | @LiveInTheCave
01:25 - 03:40 - DruJefe - On Mommas (@drujefe)
03:40 - 06:32 - Tray Haggerty - 2 Sides (@trayhaggerty)
06:32 - 09:15 - Kennyon Brown - Never Get Enough (@kennyonbrownmusic)
09:15 - 12:08 - Louie Da Fourth ft. Balance - Ride Slow (@louiedafourth)
12:08 - 13:10 - Q - Who Will (demo) (@boymeetseuphoria)
13:10 - 15:11 - Ebhoni ft. Florentino - Cook Food (@ebhonijade @djflorentino)
15:11 - 16:04 - @LiveInTheCave Interlude
16:04 - 18:39 - Big Q ft. Elijah Woods - Lights (@bigqofficial1 @_what_it_do_dude_ @elijahwoodsmusic)
18:39 - 21:16 - Tuckrr - Blue Bills (prod. j maine) (@tuckrrmeout @itsjmaine)
21:16 - 24:19 - Sabrina Claudio - Holding The Gun (@sabrinaclaudio)
24:19 - 25:48 - Garren - What Happened (@garren)
25:48 - 27:45 - Danyiom - Rollin Round (@dallydazzer)
27:45 - 30:09 - Rich Brian - 100 Degrees (@brianimanuel)
30:09 - 32:24 - Wax The Producer - You Know The Vibes (@WaxTheProducer @jamesontheboard)
32:24 - 35:11 - Jay 305 ft. Omarion - When You Say (@thejay305 @omarion)
35:11 - 37:37 - Samu - Let's Stay Together (@samu_817)
37:37 - 40:13 - Ben Yen ft. Mathias & Larrenwong - Hold This Weed (@heybenyen @itsreallymathias @Larrenwong)
40:13 - 42:12 - JAE.T ft. Lara - Party (@jjae.t)
42:12 - 45:26 - Anthony Lewis - Baewatch (@anthonylewisofficial)
45:26 - 48:28 - Kalan.FrFr ft. YG - Right Wit It (Remix) (@kalan.frfr @yg)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? Send us a DM on IG or email:

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Thursday, August 1, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 02 (ft. Wax The Producer, Rexx Life Raj, Peach Tree Rascals & more)

Back to back, 2 mixtapes in 1 week. Here is the 2nd dose of the RnB Hype Mixtape 02 featuring familiar and unfamiliar talents. Turn the volume up and hit play as you are listening to RnB Hype.

00:00 - 02:27 - Jane Handcock ft. Rexx Life Raj & Chippass - Been On (@handcockjay @chippassdeserteagle 0@rexxliferaj)
02:27 - 04:47 - LoverboyBass - Freak (@loverboybass)
04:47 - 07:13 - Wax The Producer - You Know The Vibes (@WaxTheProducer @jamesontheboard @brelliono)
07:13 - 09:09 - CJ Pitts - Bestfriend (@cjpittsmusic)
09:09 - 11:25 - JXDYHILL - Save Her (@jxdyhill)
11:25 - 13:37 - TwiZtedDeeJay - Big Tyme (@twizteddeejay)
13:37 - 15:49 - Peach Tree Rascals - Summa (@peachtreerascal)
15:49 - 19:19 - LXL ft. Ramiro Chavez - Don't Stop (Remix) (@jaslashon @lxlmusic @ladeatrice)
19:19 - 21:12 - Unique - Needed You (@uniquexsings)
21:12 - 23:12 - Algee Smith - All Yours (@itsalgee)
23:12 - 25:35 - Hink - Slow It Down (@hinkmcfly)
25:35 - 30:32 - Jonathon Eley ft. lgee Smith & Malcolm Kelley - Eyes On Me (@jonathoneley @itsalgee @therealmalcolm)
30:32 - 32:49 - Badboyswiss - The London (Remix) (@badboyswissupdates)
32:49 - 35:19 - Artist - Player (@artistthaartist)
35:19 - 38:11 - Mo Musiq ft. Sefa - Do Your Thang (@mo_musiq)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? Send us a DM on IG or email:

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

RnB Hype Mixtape Episode 01 (ft. Bryson Tiller, August Twelft, Yuna, Masego & More)

Welcome to RnB Hype's Mixtape Eposide 01, featuring music from some familiar and up & coming RnB musicians, producers & singer/songwriters. Turn the volume up and hit play as you are listening to RnB Hype.

00:00 - 01:54 - Brandon Payton - Somebody (@bpTheOfficial @jaygpbangz_)
01:54 - 03:48 - August Twelfth - No Guidance (Remix) (@augusttwelfth)
03:48 - 06:29 - P-Lo ft. Jay Anthony - Hella Fun (@p_lo @jayanthony)
06:29 - 09:31 - Chozin ft. Sophia Ramos - The Party (@chozinwun @sophia.ramos @geohworks)
09:31 - 13:35 - 7AE - Burnin Out (
13:35 - 16:13 - Yuna ft. Masego - Amy (@yuna @masego)
16:13 - 19:59 - Nate Curry - Nate Curry - Temporary Fix (@natecurry_ @sbvce)
19:59 - 21:29 - LaVoyce - Freestyle (@lavoyce)
21:29 - 24:17 - Kaylee Ameri - Loving (@kayleeameri)
24:17 - 27:40 - DJ Snake ft. Bryson Tiller - Smile (@brysontiller @djsnake)
27:40 - 30:11 - Lil Skies - Magic (@lilskies)
30:11 - 33:16 - PJ Morton ft. Jojo - Say So (@pjmorton @iamjojo)
33:16 - 33:11 - Openceazn - Drip (@openceazn)

Do you want to be featured on RnB Hype's Instagram feed or the next mixtape episdoe? Send us a DM on IG or email:

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